Dialysis Centre

In our Dialysis Unit at Ampola Tasakhtaa Hospital we treat people whose kidneys are failing. When you have kidney failure, your kidneys don’t filter blood the way they should. As a result, wastes and toxins build up in your bloodstream. Dialysis does the work of your kidneys, removing waste products and excess fluid from the blood.

The Ampola Tasakhtaa Hospital Dialysis Unit means patients are able to have treatment for 4 hours a day 6 days a week.

So the Ampola Tasakhtaa Hospital Dialysis Centre gives patients a feeling of being more in control over their treatment and their lives.  Patients then live a ‘close to normal’ life, so they can be a grandparent, go to work, enjoy their life better.

Some of the benefits to our dialysis treatment program include:

Less Stress on the Heart

There is far less stress on the heart and better mental and physical health.

Recovery Time

Our Dialysis Unit means recovery time is greatly reduced after treatments

Patient Quality of Life

Our Dialysis Centre lets the patient live a close to normal life so they can be a grandparent, go to work, enjoy their live.

Reduced Blood Pressure

With dialysis there is far less blood pressure and resulting complications

Our Specialists