24/7 Pharmacy

The Pharmacy at Ampola Tasakhtaa Hospital is well stocked with well over 600 products; medicines, medical devices and surgical items.

In Zanzibar 100% of all prescriptions must be provided by the issuing centre that the patient attends – so Ampola Tasakhtaa Hospital either has the medicines that are prescribed or we source the medicines on behalf of each patient.

Ampola Tasakhtaa Hospital stocks 95% of the medicine itself, and only sources about 5% from elsewhere.

The challenge is to source medicines and equipment which involves lots of networking, connections and relations with the providers on behalf of every patient.

Standards of Provision

Ampola Tasakhtaa Hospital Pharmacy provides 100% of all prescribed medicines on behalf of each patient.

Well Stocked

We stock 95% of all the drugs and devices prescribed, and we only source about 5% elsewhere.

Well Staffed

There are around eight pharmaceutical staff working in the hospital because the Pharmacy needs to be open 24 hours a day – to get the right medicine or equipment at any time of the day or night, seven days a week.

Well Known Brands

With over 600 types of medicine, drugs, medical devices and medical devices - all our stocks are well-known international and local brands.

Pharmacy and specialists services

The Ampola Tasakhtaa Hospital Pharmacy is open for all the needs of emergency care and in-patient needs 24/7 which include

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Our Specialists